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FMS - Flies Management Service

House Fly

House flies are strongly suspected of transmitting at least 65 diseases to humans, including Typhoid fever, dysentery,  cholera, poliomyelitis, yaws, anthrax, tularemia, leprosy and Tuberculosis. Flies regurgitate and excrete wherever they come to rest and thereby mechanically transmit disease organisms. There are commonly three types of flies:-

The common house fly is usually one-quarter of an inch long.

House flies have gray bodies and four dark stripes running the length of the thorax.

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Houseflies live in both urban and rural areas, especially where humans are present. Because human garbage and feces are the most preferred source for larvae development, houseflies are most associated with urban areas. Specifically, dung heaps, garbage cans, and mammalian road kill are the best environments for larvae to develop. Other breeding mediums include rotten fruit and vegetables, old broth, boiled eggs, and even rubber.


Houseflies are primarily found in temperate regions. They are most abundant during the warm seasons, but some adults may survive through the winter season in temperate areas. They are most active and live longest in temperatures between 10 and 26.6 degrees Celsius. Adult houseflies are inactive at temperatures below 7.2 degrees Celsius and die when temperatures go below 0 degrees Celsius or above 44.4 degrees Celsius

Fruit Fly

1/8 inches.


They are commonly found in homes, hotels and food processing joints where they can find organic decaying matter to lay eggs and also feed on. Lay their eggs in moist organic and fermenting material.

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 Fruit flies can also be introduced into your home by purchasing fruit, vegetables, or poorly sealed jarred or bottles goods that are already infested with fruit flies or their larvae. They will also be attracted to your property if you have a garden, compost pile, or have garbage that is not being properly contained in a trash receptacle with a sealed lid. The females lay about 400 eggs into rotting fruit or decaying matter in batches of 4 or 5. The eggs hatch within 12 to 24 hours.

Drain Flies

Rain fly larvae are about one-quarter of an inch long with skinny bodies and no legs.

Adult drain flies have a dark gray body and lighter-colored wings.

Adults may feed on flower nectar and polluted water. During the day, adults rest in shaded areas or on walls near plumbing fixtures and on the sides of showers and tubs. Most activity occurs during the evening when these flies are seen hovering about drains and sinks.

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Drain flies are yellow to brown to black. Mature drain flies have six legs, a pair of wings, and prominent antennae. The key identifying characteristics of the drain fly are the unique pattern of veins, as well as their hairy appearance. Drain flies hold their wings over their bodies like a roof when resting.

Control measures for Flies
If you talk about pest control industry flies are the major problem for commercial property like Hotel, Hospitals and Restaurants etc. Our Flies pest control service is divided in 3 steps-

  • Our first step is identification. The different types of flies may look similar, but they require different control methods. Our trained technicians do the exact identification.
  • Then they identify the places where the flies have been depositing their eggs so that the breeding sites are cleaned up or removed. In addition to that they will also point out any structural issues which the flies use to get inside the premises.
  • To eliminate the adult flies depending on the situation, we use fly bait, traps or an insecticide application.