These types include ambrosia beetles, round head borers, flat head borers (including metallic borers), and bark beetles. Wood-boring beetle adults and larvae are often difficult to collect, so identification begins with examination of exit holes frass, and damage.
Sometimes the only sign of infestation is the tiny, round exit holes made by the emerging adult beetles. Once they emerge, the winged adults spread to other wood surfaces where they deposit eggs onto unfinished surfaces or in cracks or other openings.
Size 1/16 inches.
Shape Round.
Colour Black centers, with white, brown and yellow patches.
They are mostly found in homes, warehouse and prime locations where they find refuge on fabrics, carpets which they eat.
They live indoors on fabric such as carpets, abandoned clothes, curtains and upholstery.
Size 1/8 inches to 1/4 inches.
Shape Narrow, Oval.
Colour Reddish brown to black.
They feed on timber of deciduous trees plus a few species of hard wood. Bore round shaped holes on the timber.