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BMS - Bees Management Service

Bumble Bee

They live in colonies not exceeding 50 insects. Naturally they nest in tunnels on the ground or build wax nests on grass. They also build their nests under roof beams and attics. They will aggressively defend their nests through multiple stinging.

Control measures
  • A visual inspection around the home can help in spotting their colonies and nesting sites which can then be removed through by Pest Control professionals.
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Carpenter Bee

These insects can be found both in the forest and residential areas. They bore on dry wood and create tunnels where they lay their eggs and nurse their larvae. These tunnels can be a few inches to a more than a foot long.

Control measures
  • Timber and wood preservation. You can use paints or preservatives that are soaked in the wood.
  • You can also consult a pest management professional for more help since blocking their holes do not eliminate them entirely.
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